Cannabis smokers say police have ‘weaponised’ arrests

Cannabis smokers say police have ‘weaponised’ arrests

The decriminalisation of adult use in private was a relief to users who allege arrests are low-hanging fruit for police

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Editor's Pick

Editorial: The green boom in a legal vacuum

Editorial: The green boom in a legal vacuum

A national cannabis master plan has been developed, with the department of trade and industry tasked with its implementation and administration, but the momentum towards turning all of this into a reality, appears to have been lost in the build-up to the 29 May elections


It strikes a perfect balance between performance, features and affordability As a father of three active kids, my life is a constant whirlwind of activities — tennis matches, rugby games, school events and frequent travel. In the midst of this chaos, having a reliable and powerful smartphone is an absolute necessity. Enter the Redmi Note […]

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